

  • Home Visiting Service for Expat Moms

    Beautiful Mon provides a home visiting service for breastfeeding counseling.

    Despite the benefits of breastfeeding, many mothers often give up breastfeeding due to some problems such as engorgement,
    thrust, sore nipples or nipple confusion.

    Former International lactation consultant Hee Jin Choi has a lot of experience to complete breastfeeding.
    She also helped more than 15,000 people completing breastfeeding.
    Beautiful Mom provides proper information and solutions to the problems for you to help your successful breastfeeding.
    Home visiting Service

    1st day
    >  check out the conditions and cause of troubles
    >  Treating the problem in proper ways
    >  Teach correct positions and latch

    2nd day

    >  Check out the improvements
    >  Treating the problems and do the cure if nay
    >  Answering the questions and review the feedback

    Counsultation Time and Service Fee

    >  One visit 90 Min (Two time visitis 180 Min.)
    >  Fee : 200,000 KRW per one visit (Basic two visits, Total 400,000 KRW)
    >  This rate applies to Seoul area. Outside Seoul, extra charge can bee added

    Additional charge

    >  Overtime (After 5 P.M ~ Before 9 A.M) : 50,000 KRW
    >  Weekends & Holidays : 50,000 KRW
    >  Your reservation is comfirmed when the amount is remitted to the following account.

  • * Shinhan Bank 신한은행, 946-04-023663 Choi Hee Jin 최희진
  • 모유수유 원격교육
    모유수유 트러블